Saturday, 13 April 2013


INGREDINET:  ripe plantain (very soft one), beans gari, palm oil, flour, pepper, salt, tomatoes and onion.
METHOD (KAAKILO): firstly you will peel your plantain into a mortar and pound it with a pistil until it melt and becomes very soft. You then put it in an empty dry bowl, after you grind your pepper and onion and add it to the pounded plantain in the bowl and mix them together and then you add an amount of flour and mix together to become thick that you can easily dish it out into the oil. There after you pour an amount of oil into frying pan and put it on fire, when it gets hot, then you dish the mixture in small size, put it into the oil and you fry it. CAUTION: do not turn over as soon as you put it in the oil. You must wait for a while. You apply the same method to the remaining mixture till you finish frying all.


NB: the amount of flour, pepper and onion you will use must depend on the quantity of the pounded plantain. Especially the flour, the mixture is not supposed to be too thick.
METHOD 2(BEANS): you get an amount of beans wash it very well, and then you put in a saucepan and boil it. You have to be adding water to it from time to time until it well cooked and soft for consumption. After the beans are cooked you then pour an amount of palm oil into a saucepan hen you grind the pepper, onion and tomatoes and add it to the oil. Put it on fire for some few minuets and take it off. So now your kaakilo is ready, as
The beans


well as your beans and palm oil. So you dish out and serve it as you desire. You can decide to add gari or not, depending on how you like it.


Monday, 8 April 2013

LOCAL STAPLES: passion for sound mind.

LOCAL STAPLES: passion for sound mind.: please watch G.T.V this and very Wednesday for the first ever video clip composed by passion for sound mind.(  NGO )  from 6am to10am. tanks...